Notice is hereby given of the NJSA AGM to be held at Pretoria Boys High School Old Boys Club, following directly after the conclusion of the AGM of the NSA that starts at 18h00 at the same venue. The NJSA AGM should start at approximately 19h00.
1. Welcome
2. Approval of the minutes of the previous AGM
3. Chairman’s report
4. Financial statements for the year ending 30 September 2018
5. Election of office bearers
5.a. Chairman and Vice chairman
5.b. Committee members
6. Appointment of Auditor for the ensuing year
7. General
8. Closing of the meeting
The following documents will be available on the website (Juniors tab) from Monday, 15 October:
1. Minutes of the previous AGM
2. Financial statements of the NJSA (preliminary)
3. Treasurer’s report
The Constitution of the NJSA determines that the members of the NJSA are the Clubs and Schools with junior players as members, that have applied for membership and was accepted as members by the Association. The members’ representatives must attend the AGM and complete the business on the Agenda.
All parents are welcome to attend the AGM. If you want to nominate anyone for a position on the Committee, please send a mail to